A former detective and a con artist face off against each other in David Baldacci’sd latest book, a psychological thriller from the author of The 6:20 Man. The book starts simply enough, pardon the pun, with single mother and former detective, Mickey Gibson working for ProEye, a private investigation company and tasked with visiting the house of a man they have been tracking for years. But soon she realizes that the woman who sent her on the quest is not what she seems, and is also not an employee of ProEye. And so begins a complex thriller full of twits and turns.

I did feel the first third of a the book was a little slow, biut it gained momentum the further in I got, and had enough twists and turns to keep me interested. The characters, especially Mickey, are well crafted, and the plot is tight.

All in all, a good standalone from Mr. Baldacci, and I’m looking forward to his next one. Five stars.